Indiana Plumbing and Drain - Rediscover Service

About Our Company

Are You Ready to Rediscover Service?

There was a time when you could fill up your gas tank, check your oil and tire pressure, and clean your windows, in exchange for a $5.00 bill, all without leaving the comfort of your car. Now you pay near that for one gallon, and you pump it yourself, and process the payment yourself at the pump. The attendant hardly even gets involved. There was a time when that same car would last fifteen good years with little effort. Most new cars barely make it past five. This trend hasn’t been restricted to the automotive industry, but has made its way to nearly every industry that touches our daily lives. What ever happened to quality, value, and service? Most people have gone so long without having seen these things that they assume they are lost forever, or have forgotten what such words truly mean. What was nearly forgotten; however, can be yours once again.

Its time to Rediscover Service.

We believe that when you pay for a professional service, whomever you pay owes you a given amount of work or product in return. We provide that and more. We believe you shouldn’t have to clean up after your serviceman. We believe that the customer and their property deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. We will deal with the customer with openness and integrity, and won’t throw in any surprises on the bill. Our prices are fair, our technicians are friendly and helpful, and our products are the best we can find. When you’ve had it with business as usual, give us a call, and Rediscover Service.

Where We Work

We gladly serve all of the Indianapolis, Indiana area, including: Carmel, Greenwood, Franklin, Noblesville, Plainfield, Fishers, Avon, and most of the Central Indiana area. Want to know if we serve your area? Give us a call!

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